Good morning!
So, this week I finished walking Route 66. Yep! Little ole me walked right across America, all 2,280.3 miles of it. Give that girl a medal! In fact, they did. It’s part of deal when you sign up for the challenge. You can see where you are on Google Earth, they plant trees for you as you’re going along and you get a medal at the end.
It’s all good fun. I just log how far I’ve walked each day and gradually (very gradually some weeks) it adds up. And now I’ve finished crossing America I’ve set off form Hanoi walking down 1,275 miles the coast of Vietnam. I reckon it’ll take me about six months.
There’s been a far bit of waiting this week, too. I’m between edits for two books, the next Imogen one which I think will be called The Fox’s Shadow (but that might change) and this summer’s Izzy Bromley title which is definitely called Table for Five. Waiting is my least favourite part of anything - I’m not blessed with patience - but I also have the kind of mind that can’t really engage in one thing until the previous is done. So, although I’m desperate to start writing the next one I’m making myself wait so that I don’t have to begin and then immediately stop again. Sooooo frustrating!
If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know that my youngest has been training to become a ballet dancer and is now working in his first job as corps de ballet at the National Ballet of Croatia in Zagreb. Well, after an epic run of The Nutcracker which meant that he flew in sideways an hour before Christmas and flew back out on Boxing Day, he finally got five whole days off and came home. It’s been lovely to have him here - and his sisters too, of course, who were all here for much longer over Christmas. Sadly though, he left on Wednesday and now I’m readjusting to the empty nest. Food in the fridge, coffee cups clean and in the cupboard but an ominous silence ringing through the house.
Anyway, no point getting miserable. You bring your children up to leave so you can’t complain when they do just that! What exciting things do I have planned this weekend? Dinner out with friends tonight. Maybe a trip to Manchester to a travel show to tempt myself with all those places I want to see. And I really need to clear up some very soggy leaves from my garden. I know. Don’t judge me!
(Here’s the link to the walking challenges in case you fancy doing one. )